Sunday, April 13, 2014

Seven Ways to Be Popular on Twitter

In effect , not only can artists popular on Twitter . Anyone can be famous as long as she knows how to style celebrity twitter twitter .

ROL summarizes how famous on twitter reported by the BBC :

1 . Attach an interesting avatar

Companies that collect data from millions of chirp twitter , Peerindex concluded that many avatars predispose a person to certain accounts to follow . More effective pairs of photographs that focus on the face than the whole body .

2 . Attach biographical data with short words and specific

Twitter posts are made not for long . Explain clearly what you would kicaukan in the profile . Common interests will make others follow your account .

3 . Sharpening your sense of humor

Humorous people will more easily make friends , as well as on twitter . Mission Impossible actor David Schneider told chirp perfect at least one of three things : information , insight and humor .

4 . Write a short and sweet chirp

Do not force myself to 140 characters if it's not necessary . Research shows that people prefer sweet and short chirp .

5 . Routine

Create exciting routines on twitter . For example , for-for gifts , inventions quiz , or share information on a regular basis .

6 . Use # ( hastag ) wisely

Variety hastag emerging every day . No need to follow all , because it can make your followers become bored .

7 . Perform Retweet and follow ethics
( see also: obat burung spektra )

Retweet enforce that you are right - propagating socializing . But do not be tempted to plagiarism , because you can verbally abused if caught .


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