Friday, March 7, 2014

Know Your Green Beans

Green beans are the staple crops that have a scientific name Vigna radiata. Green bean plants typically have a height of less than about 3 feet tall with branching stems and has a flower shaped like a butterfly greenish yellow. From the looks leguminous flower containing 10 to 15 seeds green beans. Green bean plants have flowers and compound leaves composed of three strands with a triangular shape and has a bone pinnate leaves. Green beans themselves have green seed coats with white beans. Generally, the green beans are often used as bean sprouts. (see also: pakan burung)

Green bean plants can be grown in the tropics and is located in the lowlands with a height of between 5 to 700 m above sea level. If the green beans are grown at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, it will affect the amount of output produced, green beans generally can not provide a lot of production at altitudes above 750 m above sea level. Green bean plants need humidity around 50% to 89%. Not only that, the green bean plants require approximately 10 hours per day to be exposed to sunlight.

There are two known types of green beans and Green is Golden gramm gramm. Golden gramm is a type of green beans with golden color. Golden gramm itself has a scientific name Phaselus aureus. While Green gramm is a type of green bean that has a green color. Green gramm itself has a scientific name Phaseolus radiatus.

Scientific classification Green Beans
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Vigna
Species: V. radiata
Binomial name
Vigna radiata
(L.) R. Wilczek
Phaeolus aureus Roxb.
(see also: pakan burung kacer)
Ingredients and Benefits of Green Beans

Green beans contain a lot of protein, vitamin B1, folic acid, minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, fat and unsaturated fat asamm. There are many benefits that can be drawn from the green beans. Among the calcium and phosphorus content owned green beans can help strengthen bones. Unsaturated fatty acids are very good for maintaining heart health. Vitamin B1 is useful to help contain the growth period and increase vitality in men. Multi protein serves to replace dead cells and stimulate new cell growth. And folic acid are useful to meet the nutrients needed in fetal brain development.


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